Pupil Competitions

Each year we run several competitions to encourage children to read and repsond to the selected Spark! books. 

You can find information relating to our main competitions below.

Spark! poetry competition

You may not have even started reading the books for this year’s Spark! Book Awards but you can still get involved in our first competition of the year.

Just use the books in one chosen category to inspire a piece of poetry.

You could:

The choice is yours - you do not have to have read any of the books!

Entries will be judged in the following categories, with prizes for the winning entries and runners up - plus the chance to record your poem for everyone to see on our website and/or our winner’s ceremony in June. 

How to enter

Competition entries should be sent, by email, to competitions@sparkbookawards.co.uk. Please make sure you include the following information:


Please note that we cannot accept mass entries from schools and these will not be considered for prizes. We recommend schools hold their own internal competition and only send a small selection for consideration.

Closing date: 07 March 2025

What can you and your school win?

There are prizes for the best ones in each category as well as a host of smaller prizes for our runners up.

Winners’ work may be shown or read during our online award ceremony and/or hosted on our website and social media accounts.

Main Spark! competition

Our main competition is not yet open for 2024-25 but we've included the details below so you can start thinking about your entries!

What do you have to do?

Choose your favourite shortlisted book in a category and create your own unique response.

There will be three types of entries for each age category - but be as creative as you like to capture your personal response to the book!


You could write:


You could:


You could:

How can you enter?

Entries will be by year group: Early Years, Years 1-2, Years 3-4 and Years 5-6 and Years 7+.

All entries must be received by 10 June 2024. Multimedia entries should be submitted via a link or attached file (clearly labelled). 3D artwork should be photographed for submission.

Competition entries should be sent, by email, to competitions@sparkbookawards.co.uk

Please make sure you include the following information:

Please note we are not able to accept whole class or year group entries from schools. Instead, we encourage teachers to choose the best entries from your school in each age category and submit these only. 

Win a Spark! trophy of your own!

Plus a book token to buy the books of your choice and have your name announced at our online award ceremony as your work is shown.

"I’m hugely impressed by the amount of time and effort that’s gone into this. As a former teacher myself, I honestly don’t know how you did it! And the way you involve the children and they receive awards and just generally expand their love of books through other art forms is amazing."